Safe and certified custom-made electronics for industrial tumble dryers

Industrial market

Our client, a global player in industrial washing machines, tumble dryers and ironers, knocked on E.D.&A.'s door again for an innovative electronic controller project. After a successful collaboration in developing several I/O boards for their professional washing machines, our expertise was requested for a new and challenging follow-up project: an advanced I/O board with integrated safety functions for a brand new line of industrial tumble dryers.

Meeting stricter regulations

The new line of tumble dryers had to comply with more stringent safety requirements, requiring the implementation of Class B software. This placed high demands on the control solutions and required a precise and thoughtful approach. The result is a certified I/O board that meets the strictest standards, for both the European and US markets.

Collaboration for certification

E.D.&A. worked closely with the customer and official inspection bodies to obtain the required certifications within the predetermined schedule.

A custom-made total solution

Besides developing the I/O board, E.D.&A. provided a complete solution by also designing a custom-made plastic housing. The I/O board is fully assembled, including a final functional test and ‘High Voltage’ test, after which it is delivered to the customer ready for immediate installation in their dryers.

Result: Innovation and reliability

The successful completion of this project allows our customer to offer a safer and technically advanced product to their customers worldwide. This case once again underlines our expertise in providing customised, reliable electronic solutions that meet the strictest standards.

Want to know how we can support your project? Get in touch with us!

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  • Integrated safety functions with Class B software
  • CAN interface
  • UL certified
  • Custom-made industrial housing for quick mounting