Tips & Tricks for your IoT application

Machine and equipment manufacturers are seeing the benefits of being able to remotely monitor and configure their machines or equipment. For example, preventive maintenance can be carried out and machines can easily receive software updates via a simple connection to the internet.

Our customers do not buy ‘Internet of Things’, they buy a solution to a problem. We would also be happy to look at the step by step plan with you to make sure your application is future proof too!

Important questions in this regard are:

  • Is the operation efficient enough?
  • Is internet access possible and available?
  • Is there sufficient communication speed for your application?
  • etc.

Find out more about our IoT solutions here.

IoT (Internet of Things) in practice. Download the presentation using the button at the bottom.

Using a practical case of “water softeners in the cloud”, we discuss how successful IoT applications are developed. On top of this, the issues of security and the use of cloud computing to operate IoT hardware are also addressed. Finally, we provide tips and tricks for your IoT application.


Download the presentation 'Water softeners in the cloud. Tips & Tricks for IoT-applications'.

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